The Bush Book - kid's book illustration

Category: Illustration, Characters
Customer: Personal

Flashcard Application - design

Category: Mobile App graphics and UI design
Customer: Joe Devoy
Completed: May 2016

My part: 
UI/UX design and improvements.

Amy Wake Up - game for multiple platforms

Category: Mobile Game graphics, animations and UI design
Customer: Peter Schlachter

My part: 
All graphics: backgrounds, objects, characters, user interface, splash screen, level map, etc. All animations: characters, objects, effects, backgrounds, etc. Other: Storyboard and ideas.

Monsters in the house and outside - Illustration on Photo

Category: Illustration, Characters
Customer: Personal
Completed: March 2014

My part: 
All: ideas, photo, drawing.

Sammy the Salmon - interactive kId's book illustration

Category: iOS book graphics and UI design
Customer: Macquarie IT, Australia
Completed: January 2015

My part: 
All graphics: backgrounds, objects, characters, user interface, etc. Other: Storyboard and ideas. Project management.

Cowboy Steampunk Illustration

Category: Illustration using 3D modelling
Completed: February 2012

My part: concept, 3D models of architecture and character (Maya and Zbrush), drawing, coloring.

NextStop Application - icons and pages design

Category: Mobile App graphics and UI design
Customer: Douglas Burns
Completed: September 2013

My part: 
Icons and buttons ideas and drawing. Adv page design.

Characters drawing and animation

Category: Characters. Animation.
Customer: Todd Scott

My part:  
Graphics: characters sketching, vector drawing. Animations: characters animations.

The Last One - graphics and animations

Category: Flash game art and animation
Completed: January 2013

My part: 
Characters animation, objects drawing.